Posts tagged treat yo self
My Year in Review

2017 has been one helluva year. It’s my first year of full-time traveling, which has taken me to some uniquely gorgeous places and introduced me to an incredible group of nomadic/entrepreneurial friends. I've packed in a ton and created some of the best pieces in my artwork portfolio. Check it out!

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Earth Day with Tinselbox

I'm thrilled to be Tinselbox's featured artist this month! Tinselbox is a subscription service that sends out hand-curated gift boxes every month. I partnered up with them to celebrate Earth Day– their April box includes my "Treat Yo Self" reusable tote bag, printed locally in KC by screenprinting superstars Seen Merch. Their monthly packages are chock-full of artisanal goodies and surprises. In addition to my "Treat Yo Self" tote bag, this month's box included die cut seed boxes (chives, mint and tomatoes) + starter pots, a journal made from a repurposed library book, and Earth Day stationery. Definitely a good haul!

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Arts in Motion: Redbubble Campaign

Redbubble recently launched their Art in Motion campaign and I am stoked to have my work included. It was awesome to see this breakdancer wearing my "Treat Yo Self" t-shirt in the promo video. The only thing that would have made it cooler is if she were simultaneously sipping a mimosa.

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